
Creating a Successful Holiday for Children with Autism

All Autism Talk hosts Kathrine Johnson and Richie Ploesch, sit down to discuss strategies and tips to support a happy, safe, and fun holiday experience for children with autism. As Katherine shared, “When kids know what to expect, it can really help them regulate… and leaving space to let them have a choice and downtime can really help”.


For more helpful family tips all year round visit:





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All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com).

Managing Your Child’s Screen Time During COVID-19 with Katherine Johnson, BCBA

The sudden disruption in routine due to COVID-19 is challenging for all individuals to manage as we adjust to a new, and hopefully short-lived, normal of staying at home and ceasing most of our regular activities. For families of individuals with autism and other disabilities, the disruption can be especially challenging.

Resources Discussed:

Cosmic Kids Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/CosmicKidsYoga

Raz Kids: https://www.raz-kids.com/

Epic: https://www.getepic.com/

Prodigy: https://www.prodigygame.com/

DreamBox: https://www.dreambox.com/

Out School: https://outschool.com/

Story Time from Space: https://storytimefromspace.com/library/

Bark: https://www.bark.us/

For more helpful tips and resources, sign up for our Parent Newsletter at learnbehavioral.com/parentresources.

All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com).