
Making the Most of Summer Break by Building Essential Skills

As the school year draws to a close, summer break ushers in a bit of a recess for parents — a hiatus from packed lunchboxes, school runs, and homework.

For families with children with autism, though, summer break can also mean disruption to your routine. It can create a lack of social interaction, and it can mean there are more demands on your time as a parent.

Here’s where you can turn those challenges around. Summer doesn’t have to be a lull in the progress your child with autism has been making all year. All you need is a strategy to leverage summer break to be a time to help your child build essential skills.

That starts with setting clear goals, creating a new routine, and incorporating skill-building into fun activities. But how do you do that?

Look for Structured, Play-Based Programs

The first step is to find a program that can keep your child engaged in social activities. Providers in cities across the country offer structured, play-based social skills programs. These programs are crafted with children in mind, aiming to bolster key skills such as socializing, communication, cognition, and sensory perception — all through the power of play.

These summer programs often take place in play-based, group settings, mirroring the school environment, but with the added benefit of one-on-one support. They foster collaboration and inclusion, often welcoming siblings to join, too.

Building a More Trusting Environment

Next, make sure your child is engaged in the process. In the world of applied behavior analysis (ABA), behavior technicians and behavior analysts lead summer social skills programs and promote group activities that help children build friendships.

Programs group children of similar age and skill level and include age-appropriate games and activities. This helps them to learn and communicate effectively.

You might hear your ABA provider using terminology like taking an “assent-based practice.” That’s an approach that focuses on making sure your child agrees to participate in treatment. Using an assent-based practice, therapists encourage children in the program to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. This approach is person-centered and fosters a safer and more trusting environment.

Staying Active to Prevent the ‘Summer Slide’

The “summer slide” refers to the learning loss students experience during summer breaks. Social skills programs for children with autism can play a crucial role in preventing the “summer slide” by promoting continuous growth and development.

These strategies can turn summer break challenges into opportunities to:

  • Build a consistent routine: A summer social skills program that provides a consistent daily schedule is often comforting to children with autism.
  • Help your child retain skills: By continually practicing social skills throughout the summer, your child can retain and even improve upon the skills they learned during the school year.
  • Encourage peer Interaction: Summer programs offer opportunities for social interaction with peers, which is critical for building friendships.
  • Foster personal growth: Summer social skills programs can boost self-esteem and confidence by providing opportunities for success and achievement.
  • Give you a respite: Summer programs can also provide parents with a much-needed break, allowing you to recharge while knowing your child is in a safe and nurturing environment.

Summer break can be more than just a pause from school. With the right approach and resources, it can be a valuable opportunity for your child with autism to continue their development and build essential skills.

By integrating structured play-based programs into your summer routine, you can foster a trusting environment that encourages personal growth and social interaction, while also providing a much-needed respite for you as a parent.

So, view this summer not as a challenge, but as a chance to fuel your child’s progress, further nurturing their unique potential.

Click here for more ideas on making the most of summer.

A Fresh Approach: Empowering Children with Autism

Written by Alison Spanoghe, Behavior Analyst, Autism Spectrum Therapies (AST)

When I first started working in a school system with children on the autism spectrum in the early 2000s, my leaders told me to stick to my instructions — no matter what. They told me this would be best for the children in the long run. As a newbie, I followed orders.

Often, though, that approach led to anger, tears, and resistance from the children who needed my help the most. Despite science backing up the “follow-my-orders” approach, it didn’t always feel “right.”

Today, my approach has evolved to something called “assent-based practice.” It’s a model that puts an end to instruction through coercion. It prioritizes the child’s agreement to participate in therapy rather than mandating that they follow orders.

The Old Way: Extinction

If you’re familiar with applied behavior analysis (ABA), you may have come across the term “extinction.” In simple terms, extinction means not reinforcing a previously reinforced behavior. The aim is to reduce the chances of that behavior happening again.

Let’s say your TV remote stops working. After a while, you’ll stop pressing the power button and maybe look for batteries or ask for help instead. The same principle applies to ABA services. If a certain behavior — like screaming — is not encouraged, the child will eventually stop doing it. You could then teach them a better way to communicate their needs instead of screaming.

While that might be good in theory, behavior isn’t always that straightforward. Also, the extinction approach can sometimes lead to other issues, like longer tantrums, aggression, or even distrust toward caregivers. That’s where assent-based practice comes in.

The New Way: Assent-Based Practice

Assent-based practice focuses on making sure the child agrees to take part in therapy — even if that agreement is nonverbal. When a child is actively engaged, that’s one indication that they are communicating that they agree with participating in treatment.

This type of approach involves:

  • Constant check-ins
  • Respecting when the child no longer wants to participate in treatment
  • Adapting the approach based on the child’s response
  • Teaching the child to communicate

The goal of this technique is to equip children with autism with skills that are useful in any situation. It also helps them advocate for themselves and make it clear when they want to say “no.” It’s more of a compassionate way of providing care.

Why Assent-Based Practice?

There are many benefits to using assent-based practice. It can:

  • Build Trust: It helps establish a safe and trusting relationship between the child and the therapist.
  • Promote Expression: The child learns that they are seen and heard. It encourages them to express their feelings.
  • Respect Autonomy: The child’s “no” is respected, promoting their dignity and independence.
  • Enhance Learning: This approach avoids standoffs. It allows more reinforcement of language use and engagement in the session.

Assent-based practice has become a popular topic in ABA services. It emphasizes getting the child’s agreement before continuing therapy. It teaches children to express their feelings. It also respects their dignity and independence.

Therapists can use this approach with any child at any time, leading to faster learning and better rapport with the child. While our understanding of assent-based practice continues to evolve, it is a worthwhile approach to consider because it puts the child first.

Alison Spanoghe is a behavior analyst with Autism Spectrum Therapies (AST).